[xml] xpath function calls as xpath function arguments within xsl:variable select's not functioning

Hi all,

I'm having a rather strange problem, well... I'm having a global 'state' 
variable that invokes (depending on certain input) other named templates
which then will invoke custom written XPath functions.

<xsl:variable name='state'>
    <xsl:call-template name='named-foo'/>

<xsl:template name='named-foo'>
    <xsl:variable response='foo:the-foo(bar:the-bar("a"), bar:the-bar("b"))'/>

Interestingly (and definitely not expected) the xmlXPathPopString 
does not contain the evaluated content of the bar:the-bar method 
invokations, instead, it contains this really plaintext, 
though, as I would have passed 'bar:the-bar("a")' and 'bar:the-bar("b")'.

I consider this a bug, however, I could still be wrong somehow, so, please can 
someone help me on getting rid of this rather unexpected behavior?

Many thanks in advance,
Christian Parpart.

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