Re: [xml] XML_CATALOG_DEBUG enhancement suggestion and yet another question

On Tue, Feb 21, 2006 at 05:56:27PM -0800, Rick Jones wrote:
while I've been blundering through bootstrapping /etc/xml/catalog,  I've 
come across something that may be a useful enhancement.  If one sets 
XML_CATALOG_DEBUG, the output looks rather like:

# xmllint --dtdattr --valid test_config.xml
Resolve: sysID
1 Parsing catalog file:///etc/xml/catalog
file:///etc/xml/catalog added to file hash
Found system match

It might be nice if the debug output stated what it was going to use based 
on that match.

  okay, I take patch, this is debug output so I'm fine extending it !

Also, while I was trying to decipher the OASIS stuff on XML catalogs I came 
away with the impression that if a match target (?) failed to  load it 
would keep trying to match until it found a target that would load or hit 
the end of the catalog.  however, xmllint didn't seem to do that for this 

   Depends, if you hit a delegate, you don't backtrack, triple check the
7 steps described in the spec I'm fairly sure I followed then very precisely.

# cat /etc/xml/catalog
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE catalog PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD Entity Resolution XML Catalog 
<catalog xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:entity:xmlns:xml:catalog">
  <system systemId=""; 
  <system systemId=""; 

  Not a very good construction usually you should use Delegates to 
point to a specialized catalog (usually stored in /usr/share/sgml IIRC)
to avoid filling up /etc/catalog with too specific entries, see how
docbook-dtds package on Fedora/Red Hat set up its catalogs.

# xmllint --dtdattr --valid test_config.xml
Resolve: sysID
1 Parsing catalog file:///etc/xml/catalog
file:///etc/xml/catalog added to file hash
Found system match
Resolve URI file:///usr/local/share/netperf/nonesuch.dtd
test_config.xml:2: I/O error : failed to load external entity 

  the match is exact, there is only one return value possible, so it fails
that's normal based on my understanding of the Catalog spec.


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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