Re: [xml] decimal problem

2006/12/12, David <lordkain tlen pl>:
Hello world,

I am having a problem with the decimal symbol. The result of writing a
floating-point-number to an xml document is

The result I want is a dot as decimal symbol, like this

If I adjust the county settings of my computer and say the decimal
symbol must be an dot it works out fine, but this is not a very good solution because I dont want to be dependent of 
the system settings of a computer. I have tried to use the setlocale function with setlocale(LC_ALL, 
"English"). This didnt seem to work.

I don't think "English" is a valid locale, I think you should use
"en_US" or similar.

Best regards
Aron Stansvik

Anybody has an clue?

Cheerz, David

[Source code listing]
xmlTextWriterPtr writer = NULL;
xmlDocPtr doc = NULL;
char xmlFilename[100] = "uitvoer.xml";

writer = xmlNewTextWriterDoc(&doc, 0);
if (NULL != writer)
 xmlTextWriterStartDocument(writer, NULL, "ISO-8859-1", NULL);
 xmlTextWriterStartElement(writer, BAD_CAST "Main");
 xmlTextWriterWriteFormatElement(writer, BAD_CAST "getal", "%f",10.12345);
 xmlSaveFormatFile(xmlFilename, doc, 1);
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