[xml] problem reading attributes in XML with DTD

I am trying to read the attributes in an XML with a DTD (http://www.breaken.de/temp/output.xml) and for soem 
reason I don't get the attributes with the node with xmlGetProp(). I read in the manual, that it does look 
for the #FIXED or default declarations unless DTD validation has been turned off. I have no DTD validation 
activated (I assume passing 0 as the last parameter in xmlReadFile() truns it off) and I don't get anything 
from xmlGetProp(). If I look at the properties, I can clearly, that the first one is the one I am looking for 
("name"). If I remove the DTD part in the XML it does parse it fine, but I don't want to remove, as this XML 
is automatically created.

I have absolutely no experience with DTDs, so I am quite lost right now.

I am using libxml2-2.6.22 on Windows 2000 with MinGW (GCC 3.4.4) configured with
cscript configure.js xml_debug=no debug=no mem_debug=no static=yes iconv=no schemas=yes regexps=yes docb=no 
threads=native ftp=no http=no reader=no walker=no legacy=no xpath=yes xptr=no catalog=no xinclude=no c14n=no 
writer=no walker=no push=no pattern=yes schematron=no modules=no compiler=mingw

Here is the code I am using. The xmlGetProp() calls return NULL.

void parse_mame_xml(const char* filename)
         xmlDocPtr doc = xmlReadFile(filename, NULL, 0);
         if( doc ) {
                 xmlNodePtr root = doc->children;
                 if( root ) {
                         xmlNodePtr game_child = root->children;
                         while( game_child ) {
                                if( xmlStrcmp(game_child->name, (const xmlChar*)"game") == 0) {
                                        xmlChar* game_name = xmlGetProp(game_child, (const xmlChar*)"name");
                                        if( game_name ) {
                                                printf("name: %s\n", (const char*)game_name);
                                        xmlChar* game_src = xmlGetProp(game_child, (const 
                                        if( game_src ) {
                                                printf("sourcefile: %s\n", (const char*)game_src);
                                        xmlNodePtr game_children = game_child->children;
                                        while( game_children ) {
                                                if( xmlStrcmp(game_children->name, (const xmlChar*)"driver") 
== 0 ) {
                                                        xmlChar* game_status = xmlGetProp(game_children, 
(const xmlChar*)"status");
                                                        if( game_status ) {
                                                                printf("status: %s\n", (const 
                                                game_children = game_children->next;
                                game_child = game_child->next;

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