[xml] xmllint problems

When I run xmllint with "--valid" or "--postvalid" it does crash when using the XML output of MAME as input 

I am also having a problem to properly parse it. I don't get the "mame" node as root node, but a node below 
it and the "mame" node has no children at all. Guess it is because of the DTD, because when I remove it, it 
does work. I have absolutely no experience with DTDs, so maybe you can point out the problem.

xmllint also says, that "--c14n" and "--exc-c14n" is an "Unknown option". IMO it should say, that c14n is not 
compiled in. This should also be the case for the other options, that are compile flag dependent.

I am using libxml2-2.6.22 buld with MinGW.

Configured like this:
cscript configure.js xml_debug=no debug=no mem_debug=no static=yes iconv=no schemas=no regexps=no docb=no 
threads=native ftp=no http=no reader=no walker=no legacy=no xpath=yes xptr=no catalog=no xinclude=no c14n=no 
writer=no walker=no push=no pattern=no schematron=no modules=no compiler=mingw

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