I downloaded libxml2-2.6.19+.win32 windows binaries
When trying to link the simple example provided in \libxml2-2.6.19\doc\tutorial\apd.html
I get the following error
xml error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _xmlXPathFreeObject referenced in function "struct _xmlXPathObject * __cdecl getnodeset(struct _xmlDoc *,unsigned char *)" (?getnodeset@@YAPAU_xmlXPathObject@@PAU_xmlDoc@@PAE Z)
xml error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _xmlXPathFreeContext referenced in function "struct _xmlXPathObject * __cdecl getnodeset(struct _xmlDoc *,unsigned char *)" (?getnodeset@@YAPAU_xmlXPathObject@@PAU_xmlDoc@@PAE Z)
xml error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _xmlXPathEvalExpression referenced in function "struct _xmlXPathObject * __cdecl getnodeset(struct _xmlDoc *,unsigned char *)" (?getnodeset@@YAPAU_xmlXPathObject@@PAU_xmlDoc@@PAE Z)
xml error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _xmlXPathNewContext referenced in function "struct _xmlXPathObject * __cdecl getnodeset(struct _xmlDoc *,unsigned char *)" (?getnodeset@@YAPAU_xmlXPathObject@@PAU_xmlDoc@@PAE Z)
xml fatal error LNK1120: 4 unresolved externals@@PAE Z)
I use windows XP, .Net
I would appreciate any help
Thank you