[xml] libxml lite - compiling with ./configure --with-minimum

Best wishes to all for a Happy New Year!

There were a couple of postings over the last few months about problems
generating a "minimal" library.  The troubles were due to various "missing"
labels when certain modules were not included, and were primarily problems
with the synchronization of header files with their corresponding C sources. 
Since many of the relevant sources (particulary elfgcchack.h, testapi.c and
the 'making' of several of the example programs) were "automatically"
generated, it was important to find a "clean" solution which could be put into
the generating programs.  After some internal discussion with Daniel, I
believe that we have found a workable method of accomplishing this.

The current CVS contains the changes (a fairly substantial number of changed
files, but practically no change to the library logic).  I also added some
additional logic in the configuration script which attempts to assist the user
in arriving at a "workable" library generation (e.g. --with-xinclude will
force --with-xpath to be included, and --with-writer will force
--with-output).  I have tested that it works ok with the particular
configurations previously posted, as well as several other more "innovative"
combinations.  However, I'm certain there are many other possibilities which
may well have problems.

I would appreciate hearing of any problems encountered (either via list
postings, or directly), and will endeavour to further improve the logic.



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