Re: [xml] xml diff and patch support -- new node type

On Mon, Jan 31, 2005 at 04:55:25PM -0800, Mark Vakoc wrote:

I'm midway through implementing what I hope to be a rather flexible diff (and
eventually patch) implementation for libxml2.  Flexible in the sense that it
should be able to output different output formats though I will likely only be
implementing one (probably the microsoft XmlDiffPatch diffgram format).

  Cool, I sent a mail a couple of years ago asking for someone
to implement a diff :-)

Couple of general things about it:
* the diff API will only take URIs rather than xmlDocPtr's because it is
destructive to the documents and also requires access to all fields to store
hashes, relative positions, misc items (including _private) for the source and
target document

  Well you make the code so you handle the restrictions, but what about 
an API doing an xmlCopyDoc ? And do you need to modify both documents ?

* I'm adding a xmlHashMultiTable that is a hash multimap where the sort key
need not be unique.  It is also implemented to allow front and back access to
entries when duplicate entries exist (making easy FIFO or FILO access).  In
addition the user is responsible for computing the hash key (it accepts an
unsigned long to add/lookup functions)

  Not sure I understand :-) Let see the API !

* I really need to add another node type to XML_ELEMENT_TYPE for a condensed
node, that is a representation of subtrees and/or sequences (adjacent siblings)
that are identical between the source and target diff documents.  It can follow
the same rules as XML_ELEMENT_NODE for deallocation.

  Hum, that is annoying. It's gonna break lot of stuff. If such node are
never exposed afterward, I suggest to not add it to ElementType.

Just a heads up and want to make sure adding a new value to the xmlElementType
enum is ok before I commit to that.  Should have a patch ready in a week or

  I would rather make a #define for the new element type and avoiding 
it from escaping the scope of the xmldiff C module.

  thanks !


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Desktop team
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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