Re: [xml] libxml2 XPath port to ECMAScript

On Thu, Oct 28, 2004 at 06:42:20AM +0200, Stefano Debenedetti wrote:

there's an ECMAScript not-yet-finished port of libxml2's xpath.c here [1] 
and some explanations there [2].

It has been tested on IE, Mozilla, Flash 6 and 7.

  It's kind of cool. How did you convert the C code to JS ? manually or
using some automated process ? 

I have not yet found time to finish nor figured out what kind of license 
disclaimer should be included with it (the whole thing is meant to be 
GPLed), suggestions most welcome.

  Well one could argue that this is derived work from libxml2 and hence
should preferably be released under the same Licence (MIT), but heck 
it's not a big issue. I think however GPL might be a problem, because
of the definition of linking, does an HTML page referencing the Javascript
actually link to it ? I do think it is, basically the page would be non
functionning without it, so this would force HTML page using your code
to release their pages under the GPL which really does not sound an adequate
licence for web content. LGPL might be better, and I think MIT or another
more liberal licence would be good, but I'm biased - but you asked !


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Desktop team
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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