Re: [xml] validating schemas against XMLSchema.xsd

On Tue, Nov 23, 2004 at 11:26:33AM +0100, Kasimier Buchcik wrote:
Theoretically the optimal thing would be to load the schema for schemata
as the meat of the validation rules + turn on all the additional rules,
and, voila, you have a schema processor.
Unfortunately this won't be very performant and mobile in C, since the
schema would have to be loaded on startup from _somewhere_. In Java
it may be more fun, since they can eat the schema and just bytecode
the produced objects.

        There's no reason you can't have a preloaded schema in the C program:
echo "const char myschema[] = " > foo.c
sed -e's/\\/\\\\/g' -e's/"/\\"/g' -e's/^/"/' -e's/$/\\n"/' < myschema.xsd >> foo.c
echo ";" >> foo.c


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