Re: [xml] XSLT question

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Never mind - I just realized that they aren't in the same context. Doh.


Colin Fox wrote:
| I realize this is the XML rather than an XSLT mailing list, but I figure
| this isn't too off topic.
| Here is a chunk of an XSLT file:
| <xsl:template match="xform:form[ type='batch']">
| ~    <form method="{ method}" action="{ action}" name="{ name}">
| ~    <table class="{ type}">
|     <!--
|         Here we need to output the titles of each column.
|         The logic here is this: Get the first record, and then
|         go through and grab all xform:fields that have a 'title'
|         element.
|     -->
|     <tr>
|         <xsl:for-each
| select="xform:records/xform:record[position()=1]/xform:field[ title]">
|         <th><xsl:value-of select="@title" /></th>
|         </xsl:for-each>
|     </tr>
|     <xsl:for-each select="xform:records">
|         <!-- Then we need to write out each row. -->
|         <xsl:for-each select="xform:record">
|         <tr class="row{position() mod 2}">
|             <xsl:apply-templates mode="batch" />
|         </tr>
|         </xsl:for-each> <!-- record -->
|     </xsl:for-each> <!-- records -->
|     <xsl:for-each select="xform:actions">
|         <tr><td align='center'
colspan="{count(xform:records/xform:record[position()=1]/xform:field[ title])}">

|         <xsl:for-each select="xform:action">
|         <input type="submit" name="{ name}" value="{ title}" />
|         </xsl:for-each> <!-- action -->
|         </td></tr>
|     </xsl:for-each> <!-- actions -->
| ~    </table>
| ~    </form>
| </xsl:template>
| This template does almost exactly what I need except for one thing - The
| first for-each selects on a slightly complicated query, the idea being
| to create one table column title for each form field that has a title.
| This works correctly.
| However, the part near the bottom where I'm setting the colspan to be
| the count of the same thing doesn't work - it sets the colspan to be 0.
| The context of both queries should be the same, so why does the first
| query work and the second not?
| Thanks,
| ~  cf
xml mailing list, project page
xml gnome org

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