[xml] xmllint: no line numbers in --dtdvalid validation output (bugzilla #131545)

I just filed an enhancement request (Gnome bugzilla #131545) for this issue


But I wanted to ask about it on the list in case I'm misunderstanding
the purpose of --dtdvalid.

The issue is that --dtdvalid output is missing some data that --valid
output provides. For one thing, the output doesn't include the line
numbers that --valid output includes. So, --dtdvalid output isn't very
useful in helping you find the location of the errors in a doc instance
do that you can fix them. For example, --dtdvalid only gives me error
message like this:

  Element formalpara content does not follow the DTD, expecting (title, indexterm* , para), got (title 

But --valid gives me this:

  doc.xml:190: element formalpara: validity error : Element formalpara content does not follow the DTD, 
expecting (title , indexterm* , para), got (title itemizedlist)

Is it reasonable to expect that xmllint might be enhanced to have
--dtdvalid output match --valid output? Is there some limitation that
prevents this? Or is it intentional that output for --dtdvalid should
lack this info?


P.S. The reason I don't just use --valid is that it requires a DOCTYPE
declaration to be in the file I'm trying to validate, and I don't
actually want to have one in the file.

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