Re: [xml] PATCH: compiling without sax1

On Tue, Jan 13, 2004 at 11:56:01AM -0700, Mark_Vakoc peoplesoft com
small changes to HTMLParser.c, relaxng.c, and some test*.c  to not use
functions so that libxml2 may be compiled with relaxng and html parser
without sax1

  Still trying to trimm down the size of the library :-) ?

Yeah, I'm trying but to little avail.  My app is downloadable and program
size is very important.  I may just switch of schema (relaxng) support in
the library for 'production' releases as that buys over 100k in image size.
FYI the library hovers around 500-580k depending on compiler options for
the following options:

C:\gsstools>nmake libxml2-config

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility   Version 6.00.8168.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1988-1998. All rights reserved.

        cd \gnome\gnome-xml\win32
        attrib -r Makefile
        cscript configure.js pattern=no reader=yes writer=no walker=no
push=yes valid=no legacy=no xptr=yes sax1=no rege
xps=yes debug=yes iconv=no ftp=no http=yes c14n=no catalog=no docb=no
mem_debug=yes schemas=yes prefix=c:\gsstools sodir
=\gsstools\bin  bindir=\gsstools\bin incdir=\gsstools\include lib
=\gsstools\lib zlib=yes include=\gsstools\include\zlib
xml_debug=no static=no
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.6
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. All rights reserved.

libxml2 version: 2.6.4
Created Makefile.
Created config.h.

XML processor configuration
              Trio: no
     Thread safety: native
        FTP client: no
       HTTP client: yes
    HTML processor: yes
      C14N support: no
   Catalog support: no
   DocBook support: no
     XPath support: yes
  XPointer support: yes
  XInclude support: yes
     iconv support: no
  iso8859x support: no
      zlib support: yes
  Debugging module: no
  Memory debugging: yes
    Regexp support: yes
      Tree support: yes
    Reader support: yes
    Writer support: no
    Walker support: no
   Pattern support: no
      Push support: yes
Validation support: no
      SAX1 support: no
    Legacy support: no
    Output support: yes
XML Schema support: yes
   Python bindings: no

Win32 build configuration
          Compiler: msvc
  C-Runtime option: /MD
     Debug symbols: yes
    Static xmllint: no
    Install prefix: c:\gsstools
      Put tools in: \gsstools\bin
    Put headers in: \gsstools\include
Put static libs in: $(PREFIX)\lib
Put shared libs in: \gsstools\bin
      Include path: \gsstools\include\zlib
          Lib path: \gsstools\lib

        cd \gsstools


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