AW: [xml] Xinclude recursive fallback bug

Using the latest version of xmllint --xinclude that I compiled today 
(Thanks!) I noticed that it fails to properly process this document:

<?xml version='1.0'?>
   <xi:include href="missing.xml" 

In particular, it does not resolve the second include element 
inside the 
fallback element. Instead it produces this document (modulo 
however my 
e-mail client wraps the long lines)

<?xml version='1.0'?>
   <xi:include href="missing.xml" 

It should have found and processed the file simple.xml. In 
the event it 
couldn't find it should have thrown an error. The finished document 
should not contain any include elements.

Yes, this seems to be a bug. W3C declares xi:fallback as:
  <!ELEMENT xi:fallback ANY>
  <!ATTLIST xi:fallback xmlns:xi CDATA 
     #FIXED "";>
which means that it can contain anything. Another xinclude certainly belongs
into the group 'anything'.
Please log this in the bugzilla, so it won't end up forgotten.


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