Re: [xml] Compression problem using Zlib

On Sat, Mar 29, 2003 at 03:31:29PM +0200, Arda Tekin wrote:
I changed the the library path "libxml2-2.5.5.win32" with the new library
which you send me for zlib compatibility. Updated the new libxml2.dll which
is in my ./Debug folder with the program. But when I set compression flag
and call the xmlSaveFile I get an Access Violation Error. If I dont use
compression option there is no problem..
Well, get into the debugger and see where it bangs.

I believe that either your program or your zlib use a different C
runtime than libxml does.

Regarding zlib, if you got the binaries, use the dependency viewer to
confirm that it depends on msvcrt.dll. 

Regarding your code, compile it with the /MD switch, or set the project
properties to use the mutithreaded dll runtime.


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