Re: [xml] htmlCreateMemoryParserCtxt

On Fri, Apr 11, 2003 at 03:58:47PM -0700, Jerome Pesenti wrote:
It's just that you need a context to be able to
use the HTML parser in a multi-threaded environment.

It would be nice to have an exhaustive documentation
on how to use libxml/libxslt in a multi-threaded
application. Right now, here are some things
which can not be done in a thread safe way:

- catch debug messages in the XSLT transform

   Hum, the XSLT transform context has its own error handler
       xmlGenericErrorFunc  error;         /* a specific error handler */
       void              * errctx;         /* context for the error handler */
at least the placeholder is tehre, maybe the code doesn't call it.
Can you check ?

- catch errors or debug messages when parsing an XSL
  stylesheet (for the xmlDoc to xsltStylesheet 
  conversion because xsltParseStylesheetDoc always
  uses the default handler).

   Right, I would have to expose the XSLT parsing context
at the API level which is not done ATM and provide handlers
too in that structure.

- catch errors or debug messages when parsing HTML 
  (because most of the context handling functions 
  are static).
I can make it public though ... Just one more entry
point <grin/>

  Actually I did that, not released but will be available.
I'm not against adding the APIs necessary for a fully threaded
use, if you're ready to play the guinea pig, why not iron this
out ...


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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