Re: [xml] Lists in XML_CATALOG_FILES

On Fri, 4 Oct 2002, Geert Kloosterman wrote:

"Justin" == Justin Fletcher <justin fletcher ntlworld com> writes:
    >> Python has a similar constant called os.pathsep.  Looking at its
    >> ":" for Unix, ";" for DOS, Windows, OS/2, "\n" for Mac, and "," for
    >> RiscOs.

    Justin> Drifting off topic, but "," for RISC OS is really
    Justin> unsuitable as a path separator for most applications
    Justin> because it's a valid character within the filesystem.

Hmmm...   ":", the Unix (path) component seperator (as used in $PATH,
$MANPATH, $INFOPATH, and probably almost every other environment variable
containing a search path) is also a valid character in the filesystem.

All 8bit values other that NUL and / are valid in unix filenames and
neither can be used as separators...



        There are voices in the street,
        And the sound of running feet,
        And they whisper the word --

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