Hi all, Since we went to the trouble of getting xsldbg notified of entites included via the doc's DTD. I though it would be good to print them out and allow the user to inspect the entites. I initialy only was using the entiies URI (ignoring the ExternalID) but this didn't quite work What I was trying to do is for a "public" entity findout what URI the SystemID maps to. For example given a loaded document with a preamble of -----------cut ------------ <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.1-Based Variant V1.0//EN" "dtd/kdex.dtd"> -------------------------- do a --------cut ---------------- uri = xmlCatalogResolveSystem("dtd/kdex.dtd"); --------------------------- But NULL was always being returned for a public entity. I've attached a patch for this problem. Please note this patch will have no effect on the resolution of an entity when a PublicID is provided. I have change my implementation so that the user sees the PublicID so this patch is just a wish. bye, Keith -- Keith Isdale k_isdale tpg com au | xsldbg stylesheet debugger http://xsldbg.sourceforge.net
Description: system lookup fix