Re: [xml] win32 thread safety patch

On Tue, Jan 08, 2002 at 10:32:33AM +0100, Igor Zlatkovic wrote:
Hello everyone.

  Hi Igor, I was hoping you would jump in :-)

  I'm tempted to include your code on the basis that it looks clean and that
adding it is probably the best way to get fixes fast if there is need for
fixes :-)

Please wait for a day. Serguei, no offense meant, it seems to me that the
patch is wrong. You have put #ifdef _MSC_VER instead of #ifndef on at least
two places. This is a conclusion drawn from the first glance, not from the
actual compile. I don't have Windows machine available at the moment, I'll
check this later today.

  Okay you're the Windows maintainer, I was waiting for your opinion,
this is not really urgent.

  I'm also wondering if this should be activated by default, we decided not
to do it on the Unix compilation, but if there is no noticeable overhead
on Windows this might be a good idea.

Well, this we shall find out quite soon. When I build the next binary, I'll
profile the parser with and without threading. I think about doing the


Now, I would prefer pthread implementation to native one. I have nothing
against Serguei's patch, I just have nighmare visions of the source which
someday contains more preprocessor directives than C code, and that just for
a performance gain which converges against zero on today's processors.

  Well I understand the goal of being able to compile without requiring
another library, not that much due to the process of adding that library to
the build but to the evaluation needed of the extra library (code, licence,
etc ...).
  The preprocessor inflation is somewhat extended due to the fact that the
patch provides 2 native threading systems (which I don't really understand
this seems to be a Windowsism, one requiring the MS compiler). It's not
surprizing to have a bunch of preprocessor checks in that module, this is
a portability module, I accept this as the normal fate of C portability :-).


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network
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