Re: [xml] xmlNodeGetContent() for XML_ENTITY_REF_NODE

On Fri, Feb 22, 2002 at 03:35:02PM +0100, Henke, Markus wrote:
I'm not sure you can get this recursive.

Hum, you mean nested entity references? Weird, i've never

thought about this. My app instantly crashed as i've tested
it. Smell's like a new debugging session... 8]
I'd hoped that i could pilfer at 'xmlGetProp()', but it won't
do a recursiv entity substitution!?
However, i've to do this and i should manage it since cyclic
entity refs are illegal.
BTW, the libxml parser detects cyclic entity
references but it seems that it loops about 40 times? 
  Call me lazy, I need to fix and report only the first one

Another way would be to change xmlNodeGetContent()
behaviour on entities nodes.
I'll try to code a recursiv entity substitution for
XML_ENTITY_REF_NODEs. If it works for me i'll send
it to the list so you can decide if it makes sense to
include it in xmlNodeGetContent() (and possibly
  Hum, okay,

  Actually it's a pointer to the associated ENTITY_DEF
node content's, the subtree are shared.
I see. Debugging don't show that (at least not obvious).
  yes a pointer can't tell if it's shared (wouldn;t that be cool !)

Then xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefault(0) is what i need...8)
  probable. it's --noent option for xmllint


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network
veillard redhat com  | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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