[xml] Validating In Memory (How to get a ValidCtxtPointer?)


I've searched up and down for a answer to this question and have come to
nothing so here it goes :)

I have the following C++ code:

Result XMLDocument::isValid(CmtString const& dtdFullPathName,
                            bool& isValid)
  // get the dtd's name and parse the dtd.
  xmlDtdPtr dtd = xmlParseDTD(NULL, BAD_CAST dtdFullPathName.getData());

   isValid = false;
   if ( dtd == NULL)
      return Result(CMT_FAILURE);

   // build a xmlValidCtxt Ptr 
 *************** This is the problem *****************
// docPtr is an xmlDocumentPtr 

   xmlValidCtxtPtr ctxt = xmlValidNewContext (data_->docPtr_);

   // check validity.
   if ( xmlValidateDtd(ctxt,data_->docPtr_,dtd))
      isValid = true;


*************** This is probably also a problem ***************
   return Result(CMT_SUCCESS);


The main problem here is that I don't know how to get a hold of a proper
xmlValidContextPtr. I'm sure someone out there knows :) 


Thank you in advance, 


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