[xml] Re: SAX and userData

On Sun, 21 Apr 2002, David F. Newman wrote:

Hi there,
I hope this is an easy one.  I've been trying to get my userData
in the callbacks but I'm doing something wrong or I just don't
understand how it is supposed to work.  I first start by calling:

xmlSAXParseFileWithData(&handler, xmlfilename, 0, (void *)5);

Now in this example I would think that the userData would be set
to 5.  However, in my startDocument(void *ctxt) callback, ctxt
is not set to 5.  I am assuming that libxml is calling startDocument
with userData due to grepping through the source code.  But at the
same time it looks like xmlSAXParseFileWithData(..., data) sets
ctxt->_private to data, and I was not able to figure out how
_private gets to userData.

Any suggestions?  I'm using 2.4.20.  Thanks alot.

After greping through the libxml source code some more I figured
this out on my own.  It turns out that void *ctx which is passed
to the callbacks is in fact a pointer to the user data and the
parser context at the same time.  I was getting thrown off by
the fact that the call backs were being called with ctxt->userData.
So I assumed that my pointer should've been directly passed to
the callbacks.  However, I found that ctxt->userData was being
set to ctxt in various places so that led me to believe that
the actual parser context was being passed to the call backs.
Therefore, I found my user data, not in userData but in _private.

The page that documents xmlSAXParseFileWithData() describes:
"User data (void *) is stored within the parser context, so it is
available nearly everywhere in libxml."

Maybe it should be updated to include that the user data is
stored in the parser context's _private member and not in userData.

Also the documentation for the callbacks state:
ctx : the user data (XML parser context)

As a beginner to libxml this seemed contradictory.  Which was it?
The user data or the parser context?  Now I know that it could
be either.  Wouldn't it be better to always pass the parser context
and change the prototype to be xmlParserCtxtPtr ctx for the sake
of type safety?

David F. Newman
Unix Administrator
dnewman maraudingpirates org

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