[xml] Arabic ISO-8859-6 in XML ?


I have a little problem using Arabic charset ISO-8859-6 with libxml. ( iconv 1.7, libxml2-2.4.16 ) My purpose is to embend some Arabic text ( unfortunately not UNICODE ) in XML, transport my XML elsewhere, and retrieve
my Arabic text.
Here's my little test.

        xmlDocPtr pDoc;    // my XML tree
        xmlChar *strChaineXml;
        int iSize;
        xmlChar szArabic[6]; // an arabic string
szArabic[0] = 0xD6; // I fill it with the letter Da, which code is 0xD6 ( 214 ) szArabic[1] = 0xD6; // I usually use a Windows 98 arabic to build a file but it's simpler for the test using directly a buffer szArabic[2] = 0xD6; // you can check ISO-8859-6 at http://www.langbox.com/codeset/iso8859-6.html
        szArabic[3] = 0x00;
        pDoc = xmlNewDoc((const xmlChar *)"1.0");
        pDoc->children = xmlNewDocNode(pDoc, NULL, (const xmlChar *) "test",
        xmlSetProp(pDoc->children,(const xmlChar *)"object",(const xmlChar *)"users");
        pUsersNode = xmlNewChild(pDoc->children, NULL, (const xmlChar *) "name",
                (const xmlChar *)szArabic);
        /*********  Here my XML tree is build. after that I try to dump it *********/

First try:
        xmlDocDumpMemoryEnc(pDoc, &strChaineXml, &iSize, "ISO-8859-6" );
        I obtain this message:

output conversion failed due to conv error
Bytes: 0xD6 0xD6 0xD6 0x3C
xmlOutputBufferFlush: encoder error

Seconf try:
        xmlDocDumpMemoryEnc(pDoc, &strChaineXml, &iSize, "UTF-8" );
        No error so I continue, trying to rebuild my tree
        pDoc = xmlParseMemory((const char *)strChaineXml, iSize);
        I obtain the message

Entity: line 2: error: Input is not proper UTF-8, indicate encoding !
<test object="users"><name>+++</name></test>
        Wich is rigth, after all ...

So my question is : what do I do wrong, and is there a mean to do what I wish to do ( see the message's top ) ?

 Cheers and  Thanks  !!


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