[xml] Re: LibXML2 troubles compiling into MSVC

Hello Alberto,

a quick glance at your compiler output and I see what troubles you.

You are writing a C++ program. You also use the Standard Template Library.
STL has a template class called 'list' which implements a controlled
sequence known as double-linked list. You included the standard header
<list> before you included libxml/valid.h. This caused the identifier 'list'
to be known to the compiler, as a class template, at the time it parses

Include the standard header <list> after you include libxml headers and you
should be set.

Happy Hacking

----- Original Message -----
From: Alberto Curro
To: igor stud fh-frankfurt de
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2001 11:23 AM
Subject: LibXML2 troubles compiling into MSVC

Dear Igor,

  I'm working now in an opensource project, Pingus, that's a game for Linux
I'm porting to Win32 with the help of the original author, and we use LibXML
for the editor of levels, save data, etc. We have one concrete errors with
the Win32 implementation, as MSVC refuses to compile as the file
<libxml/valid.h> uses a **list parameter in two of the functions, and MSVC
thinks that we are trying to use the c++ list template, and claims that we
are not using any parameter from the *list* template.

  These are the two lines that fails from <libxml/valid.h>

int  xmlValidGetValidElements(xmlNode *prev,
      xmlNode *next,
      const xmlChar **list,
      int max);
int  xmlValidGetPotentialChildren(xmlElementContent *ctree,
      const xmlChar **list,
      int *len,
      int max);

  And that's the errors from MSVC compiler :

c:\datos\cpp\pingus\libxml\include\libxml/valid.h(253) : error C2955: 'list'
: use of class template requires template argument list
        C:\Archivos de programa\Microsoft Visual
Studio\VC98\INCLUDE\list(415) : see declaration of 'list'
c:\datos\cpp\pingus\libxml\include\libxml/valid.h(256) : error C2955: 'list'
: use of class template requires template argument list
        C:\Archivos de programa\Microsoft Visual
Studio\VC98\INCLUDE\list(415) : see declaration of 'list'

  I'm now using the binaries of LibXML-2.4.10 for Win32 from your website. I
could change and re-make the sources, but the binaries goes well by now, so
if you could suggest any way to avoid this situation, it should be a great

  Thank you in advance

  Alberto Curro
  acurro yahoo com
  ICQ : 132755329

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