Re: [xml] Feature request: callbacks

On Thu, Mar 15, 2001 at 07:27:44AM -0500, Daniel Veillard wrote:
  Honnestly I'm not found of it:
   - it's complex, and I don't see why this complexity is required.
     It's time to show up a really convincing example...
   - testing whether a callback and what callback should be called
     is complex, and that's an operation which is likely to happen
     in a number of speed critical places
   - even I have trouble understanding how it is supposed to work,
     I'm afraid of the consequences for application writers.
   - the per-document or per-node callback is not dependant on the
     node or de document to which this applies, so what's the use
     of such a switch (if if has to be node dependant, this mean
     adding one more pointer to the node structure and I say NO
     in advance) ? I think this swicth is better located in the
     application handler.
Isn't this feature part of DOM2 Mutation Events ? What's the reason why it
should be part of the node tree api ?



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