[xml] customized output buffer

Hello again,

I'm attempting to roll my own output buffer.  The example provided in
I/O document happens to be exactly what I need.  The problem is, the
xmlFileWrite function pointer is declared static in xmlIO.c.  Since it
is static, I can not declare a function prototype in my file. 
Therefore, we get an undefined reference to xmlFileWrite when trying to
compile.  Does that make sense?

I've placed my function in xmlIO.c for testing purposes, and it works
fine, but obviously this isn't scalable.  I have a suspicion that I'm
missing something.  Perhaps a configure time option?


-Joe M.

|   Joe McAlerney     joey silicondefense com   |
| Silicon Defense - Technical Support for Snort |
|       http://www.silicondefense.com/          |
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