
This is one of those "resending an issue after one week if there was no
answer might be a good idea" things -- hope you don't mind ;)

 -- Gary

On Thu, Aug 08, 2002 at 02:34:07AM +0100, Gary Benson wrote:

> Hiya,
> I have an application which uses the Python bindings, and I've been
> looking at ways to speed it up. The profiler shows that about three
> quarters of the time is spent parsing XML files and there are _a lot_ of
> repeat parsings going on.
> Now, it occurred to me that I could speed it up tremendously if I could
> somehow cache the parsed xmlDocs, but it isn't possible at the Python
> level since a lot of the repeat parsings are files loaded in the XSLT
> stylesheets via document().  To be truly effective I'd have to cache
> them within libxml itself.  Ideally, you'd call xmlParsedDocsCache(1) to
> enable the cache, such that the normal behaviour is unchanged.
> I'd appreciate some insight from those who know libxml best (so probably
> Daniel :)).  Is what I'm talking about possible, and if it is where
> would be a nice place to implement it.  Obviously I'd like to be able to
> call xmlParsedDocsCache() from Python code, but how do I make that
> happen with the automated generator stuff? Libxml is a big bugger and
> it's hard to know where to start :)
> Thanks in advance,
> Gary
> [ gary inauspicious org ][ GnuPG 85A8F78B ][ http://inauspicious.org/ ]

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