

I have an application which uses the Python bindings, and I've been
looking at ways to speed it up. The profiler shows that about three
quarters of the time is spent parsing XML files and there are _a lot_ of
repeat parsings going on.

Now, it occurred to me that I could speed it up tremendously if I could
somehow cache the parsed xmlDocs, but it isn't possible at the Python
level since a lot of the repeat parsings are files loaded in the XSLT
stylesheets via document().  To be truly effective I'd have to cache
them within libxml itself.  Ideally, you'd call xmlParsedDocsCache(1) to
enable the cache, such that the normal behaviour is unchanged.

I'd appreciate some insight from those who know libxml best (so probably
Daniel :)).  Is what I'm talking about possible, and if it is where
would be a nice place to implement it.  Obviously I'd like to be able to
call xmlParsedDocsCache() from Python code, but how do I make that
happen with the automated generator stuff? Libxml is a big bugger and
it's hard to know where to start :)

Thanks in advance,

[ gary inauspicious org ][ GnuPG 85A8F78B ][ http://inauspicious.org/ ]

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