Just a few extra cents...

On 3/4/07, Havoc Pennington <hp redhat com> wrote:
Here are a bunch of questions ;-)

First, a background point. Owen and I had a long thread with Kevin
Martin a couple years ago (which was in private mail I think,
unfortunately). Anyway, the claim I was making then was that Xinerama is
overloaded to mean at least two things:

  a) "I have one big monitor that happens to be made up of multiple LCD
    panels / CRTs" - e.g. a video wall, is the extreme case
  b) "I have two monitors and wish to be able to move windows between
    them" - most commonly a plain dual-head or triple-head setup

<snip some good background and questions>

Fourth, excluding VMWare, what hints are missing...
we could add _NET_WM_FULLSCREEN_ALL_MONITORS or something, but I think
that might be wrong. It might be more correct to implement a property,
to be honored by both WMs and toolkits, that essentially says "ignore
Xinerama, this is case a) not case b)" - and then the existing
_NET_WM_FULLSCREEN would cover all the monitors, and other "Xinerama
awareness" would also be disabled.

Do we really want a screen global property rather than a
window-specific property?

Can anyone come up with a use case (other than VMWare) that would need
to force fullscreen to all monitors in case b)?

I'd like to hear the VMWare case explained too.  I think I read it on
Christian's or Phillip's blog a while ago, but no longer remember any
details.  (Note: I don't know much about VMWare, so don't assume much
in your explanation)

I thought we had some other bug reports about this, but all I could
find is: (user wants
special key for maximizing their IDE across all monitors).

We also have an orthogonal fullscreen request (which I'm mentioning
just for completeness); basically in determining which of the
conflicting hints of fullscreen and non-resizability take precedence.
(In particular, games often don't want to be resized by the user, but
want to allow requests from the application to be made fullscreen).

Fifth, I guess we could complicate things by allowing combinations of a)
and b) - "these two monitors form one monitor and this third monitor is

David's patch does that, if I read correctly in my quick scanning of
it.  My question is: why is this useful?  Would a simpler
fullscreen-across-all-monitors hint be sufficient?

Sixth, I can imagine wanting to switch between a) and b) depending on
context; maybe you play your flight simulator with your three monitors
as one big screen, but when doing anything else you want three separate
monitors. This quickly becomes a serious programming and UI nightmare...
perhaps the proposed hint would fix it though by providing an "escape hatch"

I can see that this would be a nightmare if the hints were global to
the screen rather than specific to each window.  I don't see any
problems with the latter, right now.  Can others think of any?


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