
Lubos Lunak wrote:
SetInputFocus is something different - it does something, it sets the focus. Setting a property does not change a window geometry.

Maybe a shorter version of my other mail: I think FULLSCREEN_MONITORS _does_ set something. If there's any UI for modifying FULLSCREEN_MONITORS, then the checkboxes or whatever will have a current state. And inside the WM, there will be a current value for FULLSCREEN_MONITORS stored in the client window data structure. This info is distinct from the geometry, and sometimes needs to be displayed or treated as such. The request+state-property approach makes this state visible to pagers and apps, instead of keeping it inside the WM.

Deducing the state from the geometry will be much like the current guess-if-this-app-meant-to-set-fullscreen-state-based-on-configure-request code in many WMs. Why inflict that on ourselves?


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