Re: Still need a hint for undecorated windows

On Tue, 2005-06-28 at 13:18 +0100, Bill Haneman wrote:
> >
> > - onscreen keyboard, which we could never specify the behavior of
> >   in enough detail to put in the spec, or maybe we just decided 
> >   it was a dock, I don't remember
> >  
> >
> DOCK doesn't work because it means that the onscreen keyboard is liable 
> to be obscured by other windows of type DOCK, in particular focussed 
> popups.  So we need something that is really truly in a higher layer : 
> not just for onscreen keyboards, but also for magnifiers.  The 
> always-on-top hints don't seem to work because of the interpretation of 
> how stacking within a layer is supposed to work,  so the consensus was 
> IIRC that we needed a new layer.  I prefer TYPE_OVERLAY or TYPE_TOP (the 
> latter implying that any future additions would be guaranteed to stack 
> underneath this type).

TYPE_TOP would not be a type, it would be a state. </nitpick>

If you want a type it would probably be TYPE_ONSCREEN_KEYBOARD
(conceivably possible to generalize further) and imply things about
focus, decorations, etc. in addition to stacking order.

The problem with the STATE_REALLY_ON_TOP is that you may find people
other than the onscreen keyboard will use it rather than STATE_ABOVE,
and then you'll have to add STATE_REALLY_REALLY_REALLY_ON_TOP ;-)


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