Re: proposal for a smarter behavior for raising windows on mouse click

On Jan 29, 2004, at 4:59 AM, Lubos Lunak wrote:
I think the main thing was that the code worked by receiving the
raise-window message, then waiting a period of time for a
button-release event, but there were cases when the button-release
event never arrived.

 How could this be?

I don't remember, it was a while ago. I think it may have been Bonobo-related

 In case this was just your mistake, I think it could be quite simple:
- apps specify (let's say) _NET_WM_HANDLE_RAISE in their WM_PROTOCOLS
- when the WM intercepts a click inside a window, it first replays
(XAllowEvents) the click (if it passes such clicks to apps), and then sends _NET_WM_HANDLE_RAISE to the app, with the ButtonPress timestamp (if the WM
raises on clicks, that is)
- the app first receives the replayed ButtonPress, and then it gets
_NET_WM_HANDLE_RAISE, it resets some variables related to this (whether dnd
was started, etc.)
- if DND is started, etc. it sets the matching variable
- when the app gets ButtonRelease, and there was DND or whatever, it does
nothing, otherwise it raises the window with the timestamp from

that is how the nautilus/sawfish code worked, plus a timer (e.g. if a drag isn't started within N ms, raise the window). Ideally the raise should only ever be delayed if there's actually something under the pointer that could be dragged.


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