Re: focusing task icons

On Fri, Nov 22, 2002 at 12:50:03PM -0500, Havoc Pennington wrote:
> Hi,
> For some UI tasks we want to be able to say "focus the tasklist button
> for this window." For example if you Alt+Esc through windows, for
> minimized windows, rather than restoring them I want to focus the task
> button. The user can then press Enter to activate the button if they
> want to restore the window.
> So a simple client message to the root window probably works, the only
> trick is what to do if you have multiple tasklists:
>  - screw it, let one "win," it's a broken situation
I can envision leaving it up to this causing all sorts of bugs to
appear when 2 different applications which provide task lists start
>  - have ye olde manager selection
This follows along with how the situation has been handled elsewhere,
(system tray) and I think it makes things cleaner.
>  - have toplevel windows containing a tasklist identify themselves
>    and the window manager picks one to use (probably first one 
>    to be mapped that's on the current workspace or something)
Imo, any protocol that requires window manager interaction should be
avoided. That sounds like the current sitation with KDE's system tray
icons (bad).

I am damn unsatisfied to be killed in this way.

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