Re: ICCCM breakage, IconicState, and desktops

On 12 Jun, Havoc Pennington scribbled:
>  The problem with what the WM spec says is that clients can become
>  unviewable with no notification - the ICCCM ensures that you always
>  get UnmapNotify if you become unviewable. So say you wanted to stop
>  using CPU when not viewable, which would make sense for some clients,
>  you can't really implement that.

actually you can quite easily - use visibilitynotify events :) they
will tell you if you are fully obscured, partially obscured or
completely unobscrued - regardless of what the wm may or may not do. if
the wm like the ides of hiding a client window by moving it to 10000,
10000 - so be it. the visibility notify stuff still works.

--------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------------
The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)    raster rasterman com     raster valinux com
VA Linux Systems                    raster deephackmode org
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