Re: Initial window placement

On Mon, Aug 13, 2001 at 16:26:32 +0000, Philipp Lohmann wrote:

> If Northwest gravity places the top left of the frame at the reference 
> point and you agree that when mapping the window initially the size of 
> the window should be taken as if it was the frame, then the decoration 
> should be as large as the window originally requested and the client 
> window should be shrinked to fit into the decoration.
> But you say that the decorations HAVE to be added. Now why's that ?

The note says (after s/width/size/ correction):

| when calculating reference point at the time of initial placement -
| initial window's size should be taken into consideration, as if it
| was the frame for this window.

Well to me this "clarification" seems even more confusing than the

ICCCM says that window is "SHIFTED to make room for the window manager
frame".  I definitely read this as that the window must not be resized
and the frame is added around the window.

While ICCCM distinguishes window refpoint vs frame refpoint, the
"clarification" speaks about some unqualified "reference point" and
lumps both window size and frame size in one phrase in a very
confusing manner.  So why this "clarification" is necessary in the
first place?

SY, Uwe
uwe ptc spbu ru                         |       Zu Grunde kommen            |       Ist zu Grunde gehen

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