Multi-head support

Hi, I'm trying to get a second monitor working with my linux box.  I am to
the point where it comes up and my mouse is able to move over into it.
Now I need to get applications and tool bars onto display 0.1 instead of
display 0.0.  The attatched xdisplay.txt file show the input event mask
options for both displays.  I need to find out how to change this and if
there is an option I need to tell gnome about in order to get it to allow
me to drag items on to it, and use it as a small extension of my desktop.
For good measure I have placed stdout from X at .  I'm really not
sure if this is the right forum to search for this, but it seems that the
desktop environment is the place to look for management of multiple
screens and their desktops.

With how many lists I am sending this to I hope that it happens upon
someone who can give me some help.  If there is nothing in gnome that does
what I am looking for then perhaps that would make a nice project for me
to work on.

thanks for any help

Shaun Kruger
shaun linuxhost cc

screen #0:
  dimensions:    1024x768 pixels (260x195 millimeters)
  resolution:    100x100 dots per inch
  depths (7):    16, 1, 4, 8, 15, 24, 32
  root window id:    0x5d
  depth of root window:    16 planes
  number of colormaps:    minimum 1, maximum 1
  default colormap:    0x20
  default number of colormap cells:    64
  preallocated pixels:    black 0, white 65535
  options:    backing-store NO, save-unders NO
  largest cursor:    64x64
  current input event mask:    0x7a607f
    KeyPressMask             KeyReleaseMask           ButtonPressMask          
    ButtonReleaseMask        EnterWindowMask          LeaveWindowMask          
    PointerMotionMask        ButtonMotionMask         KeymapStateMask          
    StructureNotifyMask      SubstructureNotifyMask   SubstructureRedirectMask 
    FocusChangeMask          PropertyChangeMask       
  number of visuals:    32

screen #1:
  dimensions:    640x480 pixels (163x122 millimeters)
  resolution:    100x100 dots per inch
  depths (1):    8
  root window id:    0x5f
  depth of root window:    8 planes
  number of colormaps:    minimum 1, maximum 1
  default colormap:    0x4c
  default number of colormap cells:    256
  preallocated pixels:    black 0, white 1
  options:    backing-store NO, save-unders NO
  largest cursor:    64x64
  current input event mask:    0x480000
    SubstructureNotifyMask   PropertyChangeMask       
  number of visuals:    8

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