Comments on 1.0pre3, part 1

Here is a list of comments on 1.0pre3.


2. Root Window Properties (+ Related Messages)

Add the following:

Whenever this spec speaks about "sending a message to the root window",
it is understood that the client is supposed to create a ClientMessage
event with the specified contents and send it by using a SendEvent
request with the following arguments:

destination root
propagate False
event-mask (SubstructureNotify|SubstructureRedirect)
event the specified ClientMessage


Remove XA_ prefix from type names.
Instead of "mapping order" it may be clearer to say "initial mapping 
order" or "time the WM started to manage the window".  Also, it is 
unclear if the youngest windows are at the beginning or at the end of
the list. Likewise, it is unclear if "stacking order" is "bottom-to-top
stacking order" (as in QueryTree) or "top-to-bottom stacking order".


Should read

_NET_DESKTOP_GEOMETRY width, height, CARDINAL[][2]/32


Replace "current view in pixel" by "viewport".


Should probably read



It would be more in line with X terminology to speak about window IDs
instead of window handles. It should be specified that _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW
is set to None if no window has the focus.


Should probably read

_NET_WORKAREA left, right, top, bottom, CARDINAL[][4]/32


Remove XA_ prefix from type names.


Remove XA_ prefix from type names.
I think the motivation for this property is misleading, since 
conforming pagers shoudln't have to listen for substructure notifies
anymore, or should they ? I was under the impression that they get
all they need (except for window geometries) via the _NET_DESKTOP_...
properties.  A better motivation for _NET_VIRTUAL_ROOTS is that is
allows background drawing and figuring out WM frame windows.


Add the following:

The client MUST release all grabs on Pointer events, prior to sending
such message. 


Replace "state window" by "window state" in the first sentence.
Just out of curiosity: Why not _NET_SKIP_PAGER as well ?


In other cases where the value of the property is a fixed-size struct,
the names of the struct members have been listed, so this should probably

_NET_WM_STRUT left, right, top, bottom, CARDINAL[4]/32


Should probably read 

_NET_WM_ICON_GEOMETRY x, y, width, height, CARDINAL[4]/32

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