Re: Application Launch Detection

On 14 Nov, Rik Hemsley scribbled:
->  On Tue, 14 Nov 2000 16:01:17 +0000 (GMT)
->  Mary Dwyer <Mary Dwyer ireland sun com> wrote:
->  > hi
->  > 
->  > I haven't fallen off the email thread - I've been keeping track of the ideas put 
->  > forward and trying to get a picture of what is wanted and how it could be 
->  > implemented.
->  > 
->  > The current thread seems to be:
->  > 
->  > 1. avoid use of LD_PRELOAD
->  A good idea if you want to avoid segfaulting apps.
->  > 2. do not patch Xlib
->  A good idea, because it's absolutely unnecessary.

i'll strongly disagree - it's VERY necessary. how are you planning on
patching netscape? netscape 3.x 4.x etc. is out and many copies will be
around for many years to come. netscape often takes a while to start -
i have watched my parents repeatedly click the netscape button because
they thought it wasnt starting - it just took longer because they were
starting 5 copies of netscape at once on a DX2-66. you can't patch
netscape. there are PILES of legacy apps you can't patch because there
is no source, because they probably wont ever be recompiled or because
they will sit on a machine and never get updated. you can solve every
problem in one hit with patching , as owen suggested, the XSetWM*();
calls that alreayd set properites on a window - and just overload them
to do more - thsi solves backwards compatability for all these cases
ANd all toolkits - if a toolkit after this calls goes and sets the the
properties again or more properties it's harmless - and as long as the
spec is correct as to the contents of these propertes the contents of
the property the toolkit would set are identical to the xlib
modification so it's not really possible to provide an "improved"

--------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------------
The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)    raster rasterman com     raster valinux com
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