Re: Application Launch Detection

On 14 Nov, Mary Dwyer scribbled:
->  hi
->  I haven't fallen off the email thread - I've been keeping track of the ideas put 
->  forward and trying to get a picture of what is wanted and how it could be 
->  implemented.
->  The current thread seems to be:
->  1. avoid use of LD_PRELOAD
->  2. do not patch Xlib

actually i'd dispute 2. - patch xlib - BUt patch the XSetWM* hint calls
not XCreateWindow etc.

->  3. concentrate on establishing a common protocol that will work for both gnome 		
->     apps and KDE apps (ie KDE apps running under gnome will use gnome visual
->     feedback, and vice versa)

--------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------------
The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)    raster rasterman com     raster valinux com
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