Re: Comments on 1.0pre3/pre4

> Hi,
> I'd like to see still further clarification of _NET_DESKTOP_NAMES.
> Firstly just a minor nitpick:
> >
> > The names of the first N desktops. This is a NULL spearated list of
> > in UTF-8 [1] encoding with an additional NULL at the end of the list.
> > This property MAY be changed by a Pager or the Window Manager at any
> > Note: that N could be different from _NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS. If it is
> > then
> > _NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS - then all the desktops with numbers greater
then N
> This should read "greater than *or equal to* N" since desktop numbers
> are zero-based... like I said, just a nitpick...

yep, should be *greater or equal*

> > are considered to have no names. If N is greater then
> > then names outside of the _NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS are considered to be
> > reserved
> > in case number of desktops is increased.

> But the main questions that occur to me are:
> 1. The "additional NULL" -- perhaps I am just thinking in terms of C
> strings, always ending in NULL, but I found the language there a bit
> ambiguous: if we have desktops named "Eins", "Zwei" and "Drei", which
> of these do we have?
> {'E','i','n','s','\0','Z','w','e','i','\0','D','r','e','i','\0','\0'}
> or
> {'E','i','n','s','\0','Z','w','e','i','\0','D','r','e','i','\0'}
> I assume the latter; there seems little point in the double-NULL since
> XGetWindowProperty() tells you the property length.

Can somebody explain to me why we have to worry about exact encoding of
and other text properties, when X provides standard facility for
it : XSetTextProperty/XGetTextProperty ??? (which includes localization

> 2. Can any desktops *within* the list (or at its start) be anonymous?
> For example, can you make desktops "Eins" and "Zwei" anonymous by
> setting the propery like so?
> {'\0','\0','D','r','e','i','\0'}
> -Rob


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