Re: Removing wm/pager interaction writes:
|>so (insert 1) means to insert a new desktop before desktop 1 (i.e.
|>between the first and second desktops), shifting all desktops after
|>the insertion point one place down
|I don't see how you can easily do that - you'll have to renumber all
|the desktops and update properties on all the client windows. This is
|potentially very costly operation, and since you don't change desktop
|names result will be the same as to add a desktop to the end of the
|list, only this latter approach will be much simplier, and much less

what? how is creating a new workspace in the middle (thus shifting all
windows on workspaces after that point) the same as appending a
workspace at the end?

also, this _isn't_ inefficient -- workspaces are just a matter of
book-keeping. Yes, you do have to update the properties on the client
windows, but this is negligible.

imho, it's ridiculous to remove / restrict a feature of the spec.,
simply because _some_ window managers _may_ be unable to implement it
blindingly quickly

(and in this case, what's the problem if inserting a workspace takes a
few tenths of a second? it's not something that's going to be done
hundreds of times a second)


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