Re: Removing wm/pager interaction

|Are there any programs other than the Gnome pager, tasklist and desk
|guide  which use these hints?

I have no idea, does the KDE panel support desktop switching or
anything like that?

|If we're going to have a standard, it has to be one that makes sense. The 
|current draft standard (1.9e) has some serious problems when it comes to 
|creating, deleting and naming desktops.

This has nothing to do with the core pager hints. If this is the only
problem, then why not just delete the provisions for creating and
deleting desktops? (What's the problem with naming desktops?)

|That might be a fair compromise for those users who  are aware of the
|fact that their window manager and their pager are two  separate
|programs which share a limited amount of information, but I imagine 
|inconsistencies like this would frustrate most users, who don't need
|or want  to know how their desktop environment works.

There has to be a compromise somewhere, otherwise we'll end up with a
separate pager for each (wm, desktop) combination. 

|Again, that's a good compromise from a technical user's point of view, but I 
|don't think it will give a good impression to non-technical users, because 
|there will be no way to pick a "Gnome+KDE compatible window manager".

So is it necessary to flush _NET_SUPPORTED_HINTS and make complete
compliance mandatory?

If it really is true that the GNOME panel apps are the only users of
the pager hints, then perhaps you're right - they should be removed
from this spec. They could then be moved into a `GNOME additional wm
spec' or something..? But that seems a step backwards for what are
(imho) minor problems..


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