Re: Draft 1.9b - some comments

On Tue, 26 Oct 1999, John Harper wrote:
> Matthias Ettrich writes:
> |     a) window managers know this property anyway. They have to because they
> |         must dynamically change maximized windows whenever struts changes.
> |         Obviously: Imagine a user running a maximized xterm and then 
> |         starts a desktop panel. The window manager should adapt the size
> |         of the maximized xterm to give the panel the required reserved space.
> Well, they don't _have_ to do this -- personally I would find it really
> annoying if the wm started resizing my windows just because some other
> application has reserved part of the screen
> (though I know other people feel strongly the opposite)

Might be a matter of taste but not necessarily. There's not much point in
having a oversized window covered by a dock application (that lives in the dock
layer and therefore always on top of the application window). Resizing the
window makes it at least possible for the application to show all the contents
or to provide a scrolling facility.

Keep in mind that you (the user) explicitely started the docking application
that reserves space on the screen. So the assumption that you want to use this
applicaton as intended appears quite natural to me.

> |
> |> 
> |> Also, the size of the maximum rectangle may vary depending on the
> |> window being maximized, though this would be rare, 
> |
> |Please elaborate. I don't understand this.
> If I have a window, and I've hinted to the wm that I'd like it to
> remain unobscured by maximized windows, and I then maximize this window
> itself, then obviously the original area of the window shouldn't be
> included when calculating the maximized geometry
> As I said above though, this would probably be very uncommon, and is
> probably unimportant for your intended uses of the property..

I see and agree.

The purpose of the property is to provide some information for clients that
need to do some manual window placement. 

If you have a window manager that refuses to obey window placement hints from
applications anyway, it's fine to simply set this property to the entire

So - as usual -  nobody has to implement this.


> 	John
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