Re: Spec Purpose and Definition

> With the focus/alert/high-urgency windows, can we define one or two hints.
> Then WM's can determine based on these hints how urgent it is. Ie,
> Then the WM could decide on the first to present an icon of the
> application in the current window, without focus, or the dialog, without
> focus, etc., or perhaps some WMs will shift focus. On the URGENCY_HIGH, it
> could be more obtrusive, and could shift workspaces or put a window that
> grabs focus forcefully. Again, define two hints that allow for WM
> interpretation of what occurs.

As I have mentioned already, the ICCCM *has* UrgencyHint. Lets not
reinvent the wheel unnecessarily.

Matthias Clasen, 
Tel. 0761/203-5606
Mathematisches Institut, Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg

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