

raster@rasterman.com     -- Raster
rhp@zirx.pair.com	 -- Havoc
kenneth@ripen.dk	 -- Kenneth Christiqua
ettrich@kde.org		 -- Matthias Ettrich
dan@services.iiruc.ro	 -- Dan Pascu

About the spec in development. Dr. Mike, pbrown@redhat.com, the contact
for the KDE team you sent me, referred me directly to Matthias. Apparently
Matthias and Raster were talking before, that's about the extent of his

Please welcome, everyone, Paul Warren <pdw@ferret.lmh.ox.ac.uk>, who has
been involved with WindowMaker, IceWM, and Mosquito, all in relation to
GNOME compliance. I'll be adding him to the list of committed people in a
little bit as I do an update.

Talking back with Federico and Jonathan from RedHat, the kind folks who
have been helping me with CVS access over on the GNOME site, and it's
looking like we should probably create a drafts section on the
developer.gnome.org site. Currently for those who know the pre-release
location, there is a link from arch/desktop/wm.html to
doc/standards/extwmhints/book1.html which is the same as what is on the
gnome.windsofstorm.net/wmhints/book1.html site. For those that don't,
there is a large (*and very nice*) developmental push behind
developer.gnome.org. Expect good things when it is released.

Thanks to Paul, I have an email address for Alfredo from WindowMaker
(GNUStep). I'll be emailing him soon.

One thing I noticed as I got my Mandrake 6.0 system up and running today
(apaparently it wasn't a bad burn, it was a problem with the kernel on the
bootdisk, from what i heard on IRC, a fault shared between RH and Mandrake
6.0 distros. Updated that, had some problems until I compiled 2.2.10,
running smooth now), was that with E, KDE, and other window managers,
when you move one window close to another, it seems to gravitate to the
border. This allows you to easily line windows up together without having
to spend lots of time positioning them. Should this be taking into
consideration with the hints or could this be considered a pure WM
"feature" and left at that?

Had to chuck a question out to start conversation going on this list
rather than startup progress reports. =)


Nathan P. Clemons                       "Peace favor your code."
nathan@windsofstorm.net                 ICQ: 2810688
IN CONSTRUCTION:                        http://gnome.windsofstorm.net

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