Re: [Vala] Is there any Vala reference manual available ? for API references, and for a full manual on syntax and

El 1 sept. 2017 5:47 AM, "Manish Jain" <bourne identity hotmail com>


On FreeBSD 10.3 amd64, I am trying to pick up proficiency in Vala, and
am wondering if Vala has some technical documentation, something like
MSDN help for VC++/VB.

I often need to check out signatures of API functions ( e.g.
Thread.Create() ), and am having to resort to google searches and
trial-and-error - which surely is not a pleasant thing.

I installed DevHelp which seems to be just the thing I needed. It has
documentation for almost all GNOME programming areas and even has a
section titled Vala Reference. The Vala section, however, is entirely empty.

Thank you.
Manish Jain
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