Re: [Vala] Roadmap for extending Vala's reach

(I post this message again, because I only sent it to Guillaume the first time

I really like what you propose. Having an extensible compiler would be really nice. And making GObject optional is also a good idea if we want Vala to be used outside of GTK+ apps (compile to WebAssembly would be really nice).

I would really like to contribute to the compiler source code, but having to request access for and learning a new workflow when I'm used to the one you use with GitHub or GitLab discourages me.

Le Sun 7 May 2017 à 5:05, Michael Gratton <mike vee net> a écrit :

I think this is a generally good idea - didn't vala already have some
notion of profiles already though?

The only profile that is still here is the GObject one, the others are no longer supported.

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