[Vala] .me cast resurrection on "Re: The future of Vala"

Hi all,

Yes, I made this thread a zombie thread ! I'm a powerfull elder magician !

I've read on HN (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13752770), in a
thread about Delphi, this :

insertnickname 21 hours ago [-]
     Note that Vala is apparently more or less dead.
        pjmlp 21 hours ago [-]
             Yep, GNOME seems to be adopting Rust, with librsvg and
GNOME Builder being the first places to spot it.

Do you have more informations about state of vala and rust ?



ps: original thread in HN "I miss Delphi" :
ps2: I've used Delphi 20 years ago ^___^

Hey Al,

Hmm, that seems a little unfair. You submitted the patch on the 08 Aug
2016 and it was reviewed on the 10 Aug 2016. Unfortunately your first
version of the patch included a bug that the review identified.
Well, I fixed that bug within a day. Then it took another 12 days for Jürg
to ask another question, which I responded to within 15 Minutes. Then it
took another 3 weeks for Jürg to respond to that. Now, I totally
sympathise with Jürg, most people don't have as much time to work on their
leisure projects as they would like. But please put yourself in my shoes
as somebody who's trying to get his feet wet hacking on the Vala compiler.
I mean, this is not a rewrite-the-world patch, the actual patch is -12/+7
lines. If that takes, say, six weeks to get merged, how long will it take
to get a sufficient number of patches merged to build enough trust to get
commit access? How long will it take to get a new feature merged, one that
might be a couple hundred lines long or something? Again, I sympathise
with Jürg and his lack of time. But nevertheless these long response times
do not send the right signals to new compiler hackers.

I would accept there is a communication failure of the Vala release
cycle, but I think there is a far more favourable interpretation of the
decision not to merge the patch at the current time.

Vala is a GNOME core project and currently follows the GNOME release
cycle. See
https://wiki.gnome.org/ThreePointTwentyoneA hard code freeze started on
the 12 Sep 2016 and you will see Vala 0.33.1 was tagged on that day.
Including a version of Vala with GNOME 3.22.0 that cannot build some
packages just isn't going to happen. I would say that is why your patch
wasn't merged at the time.
OK, I didn't understand that. I'm happy that it now looks as though the
patch will be merged soonishly.

BTW, thank you for your work on Vala. It looks like you have four
patches in this next release. For anyone else who wants to see what
Mattias's work has improved in the type system of Vala's internals see:

Perhaps you're right, maybe I should just be happy about the two bugfixes
I already got merged :-)

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