Re: [Vala] The future of Vala

Thanks for the frank discussion.

I read the stream, and it reveals some things about the Vala project that have been opaque. The actual decision about Vala's future pales in comparison to the path that got us here.

One of the reasons I chose Vala was it has the appearance of support from Gnome. I feel I can no longer depend on either that Gnome supports it, or that Gnome support is desirable.

The reason I decided against Ooc is that it's on hiatus. Now it turns out Vala has been on effective hiatus for a while. If I have to accept this for Vala, then I have to consider using Ooc. And if it's feature to feature, mano a mano, Ooc wins hands down.

So, this question strikes home: "Should we just tell people to not use Vala in the first place"

I wish you had. I was going to put my projects on hiatus until you made your decision on Vala's future. But I have no confidence that a decision will be made, and Vala will just continue languishing at Gnome.

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