[Vala] Cannot convert from `Gtk.ComboBoxText.get_active_text' to `string'

Hello list,

i created a class what contains:

// Properties
public string doctype { get; set; }

// GUI Elements
[GtkChild] private Gtk.ComboBoxText cboDocType;

// on_cboDocType_changed gets the chosen document type
private void on_cboDocType_changed () {
    doctype = cboDocType.get_active_text;

The compiler says:
ui/create_publication.vala:45.2-45.37: error: Assignment: Cannot convert
from `Gtk.ComboBoxText.get_active_text' to `string'
    doctype = cboDocType.get_active_text;

But as far as i know the combobox text is a string. So it should work.

What can i do?


Sascha Manns
Maifeldstraße 10
56727 Mayen

P: +49-2651-4014045
W: http://saigkill.tuxfamily.org

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